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The Cheverly STEM Education Center (“Cheverly STEM”) values each member of our learning community. We see each student, teacher and family as unique, with individual gifts and strengths. Moreover, we recognize that it is this diversity that makes Cheverly STEM such a wonderful program. We take pride in our ability to offer challenging and engaging STEM classes that aren’t ordinarily available to students in non-traditional educational paths. Furthermore, we know that by taking classes at Cheverly STEM, students will be with us through one of the most exciting stages of life: adolescence. Beyond teaching students about the exciting fields of science, math, engineering and technology, our goal is to guide students to reach their fullest potential as humans in community with one another. Our goal is to install the values of kindness, compassion and respect. We hope to accomplish much of this through our own lives, actions and words.


The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct is to promote fairness and equity through clear, appropriate, and consistent expectations and consequences.


The Cheverly STEM Education Center reserves the right to address violations of the behavior expectations outlined in this document through disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Each case and situation will be handled each on its own merits.




As members of the Cheverly STEM community, students are expected to make appropriate decisions for themselves and to take responsibility for those decisions. The core values of respect, honesty, and responsibility form the basis for all interactions within our learning community. The expectations outlined in this document support these values, and will be enforced both on campus, at sponsored events, and to the extent that off campus behavior affects our learning community.


In addition, we expect all Cheverly STEM students to respect and follow directions from any staff member.




ï‚· Students should be courteous and respectful in the classroom. Including:


  • Listening to the teacher(s) as well as fellow students and participate politely in classroom discussions.

  • Following the directions given by the teachers, both in the classroom and on campus in general. Back-talk is not appropriate nor is it acceptable.

  • Positively participating to the best of their abilities in classroom activities.

  • Limiting any behavior that would distract, interfere, or impede others’ participation.


ï‚· Students should be courteous and respectful in the learning spaces. Including:


  • Quietly moving through the hallway, stairwell, elevator, lunchroom and lobby.

  • Using language, including tone and volume, that is respectful and appropriate.

  • Refraining from unnecessary physical contact (i.e. pushing or rough housing).

  • Cleaning up after themselves in the lunch room,bathrooms and classroom activities.

  • Using materials as they are intended (i.e. do not waste paper, use equipment inappropriately, etc…).


ï‚· Students should be courteous and respectful of the building and property. We rent classrooms and learning space at the Cheverly United Methodist Church (CUMC). We share this building with other groups, charities, organizations and church administrators, as well as a nursery school. Including:  


  • Remaining only in areas designated from Cheverly STEM use. Students are not to visit the 2nd or 3rd floors, nor are they to explore other parts of the building without permission.

  • Being polite when interacting with others in the building.

  • Treating all property (walls, bathrooms, tables, etc…) with care and respect.

  • Helping, whenever possible, with the up-keep of the building and classrooms, picking up trash and recyclables, putting things away, etc…

  • Each space should be better for having you in it.



ï‚· Students should refrain from using profanity or derogatory language that includes negative gender, racial, ethnic, sexual, or religious references. Students' preferred names and personal pronouns are to be used respectfully.


ï‚· Students should act in an honest and ethical manner towards others. Respect other students’ property - do not take, hide, break or abuse others’ property.


ï‚· Students should never physically or verbally abuse or bully another community member in any interaction. Bullying and cyberbully will not be tolerated, see below for more details.


ï‚· Students should dress in a manner that is respectful to oneself and others.  Students shall not wear: clothing that contains inappropriate language or images that are contrary to our program's values or clothing that is overly revealing or restrictive of normal daily activities.


ï‚· Students are not to leave the site during the day, without their parent's prior permission.



Responsibility/Community Safety


Students are expected to:


ï‚· Accept responsibility for their actions at all times.


ï‚· Not possess, distribute or use alcohol, tobacco, illegal or unprescribed drugs, vaping devices, and/or any other illegal substances on campus.


ï‚· Not possess dangerous items including but not limited to – pocket-knives, matches, lighters while on or around campus.


ï‚· Not possess a weapon of any kind on campus.


ï‚· Not engage in sexual activity while on campus.



Harassment Policy


Every person in our learning community has the right to participate fully at Cheverly STEM without harassment. Harassment is defined as any behavior or pattern of conduct that may reasonably be expected to denigrate, intimidate or coerce another on the basis of gender, race, religion, color, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or other personal characteristics, including but not limited to those protected by law.


Examples include, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, sexually suggestive remarks, and other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature.





Bullying, including cyberbullying, is completely prohibited within our learning community. Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Source:


Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Source:


Bullying can involve humiliation, domination, intimidation, victimisation and all forms of harassment including that based on sex, race, disability, and gender. Bullying of any form or for any reason can have long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.


Examples of Bullying behavior can be:


ï‚· Verbal name calling, teasing, abuse, put-downs, sarcasm, insults, threats.

ï‚· Physical - hitting, punching, kicking, scratching, tripping, spitting.

ï‚· Social Pressure - ignoring, excluding, ostracizing, alienating, making inappropriate gestures.

ï‚· Psychological - spreading rumors, dirty looks, hiding or damaging possessions, malicious SMS and email messages, inappropriate use of camera phones.


Although still subject to a disciplinary response, bullying behavior is not:


ï‚· Conflict or fights between equals and single incidents.

ï‚· Children not getting along well.

ï‚· A situation of mutual conflict.

ï‚· Single episodes of nastiness or random acts of aggression or intimidation.


Cheverly STEM may discipline a student who's bullying or cyberbullying behavior occurs during the day or is so severe and/or pervasive that it substantially disrupts the orderly operation of the program.



Cell Phones


During class hours use of cell phone devices is prohibited during class time unless prior permission from the teacher is obtained or there is an emergency situation. Further, headphones and cell phones should not be visible and or in use, during class.


We would prefer that students do not use cell phones at any time during their day with us. However, we realize that students use their phones for music and entertainment during lunch hour. Please discuss proper phone use with your student.



Technology Policy for Responsible Use


Technology is both an invaluable tool, as well as a great distraction and potentially dangerous for young minds. Student should use technology as a learning tool, knowing that:


ï‚· Personal communication and images should not be posted, tagged, or forwarded without permission of the subject or sender.

ï‚· Downloading, transmitting, or viewing pornography or obscene materials are inappropriate behaviors that undermine the program's culture and will result in disciplinary action. 


The internet network provided by Cheverly STEM is to be used for educational purposes only. Interference or attempted interference with this network (software, hardware, and equipment) functioning, integrity, and/or security is not acceptable.




The Cheverly STEM Education Center reserves the right to address violations of the behavior expectations outlined in this document through disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Each case and situation will be handled each on its own merits.


On occasion, student misbehavior requires an immediate response from Cheverly STEM. While predictability and precedent are important, responses can vary based on the circumstances of each situation and the age of the students involved.


The range of consequences that students may expect, depending on the severity of the situation, may include:


ï‚· Student conference with one or more Directors of Cheverly STEM.

ï‚· Family conference with the Directors of Cheverly STEM.

ï‚· Formal written apology.

ï‚· Student being removed from a class or activity.

ï‚· Participation in class activities is temporarily denied, with the expectation that students will spend time away from the situation and reevaluate his/her behavior and how they contribute to the learning community.

ï‚· Dismissal from Cheverly STEM Education Center


Legal Notice


Maryland's Family Law statute requires all professionals to report to the local Department of Social Services if it is believed that abuse or neglect of a child has taken place.

Student Code of Conduct

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2801 Cheverly Ave., Cheverly, Maryland 20785

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